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Viewing filter 1,296: Mixed-use words (logging)

Editing filter 1,296 (see also a graph of recent actions)
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Filter ID:1,296


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:61,828 hits
Statistics:Of the last 206,652 actions, this filter has matched 241 (0.12%). On average, its run time is 0.11 ms, and it consumes 1.7 conditions of the condition limit.
sus := "(?x)\b(?: #Common words a[ ]fraud |adolf[ ]hitler |amazing |anal |ass+ |ahh+ |bald |balls |big[ ]black |boobs |booty |bum |butt |caca |cheeks |ching[ ]chong |cool(?:est)? |creeps? |cum |daddy |dumb? |fart(?:ed|ing|s)? |fat |gay(?:est|s)? |haha |hehe |hello |hes |hola |(?<!\S)hi(?!\S) |i[ ](?:eat|like|love|hate) |idk |is[ ](?:bad|fake) |is[ ]the[ ](?:best|worst) |m[ou]m(?:my)? |morons? |nonces? |nuh |oh[ ]no |omg |pedos? |pee+ |poo+ |porn(hub|o)? |puta |racists? |retards? |sexy |scammers? |scumbags? |smell[ys] |stink[ys] |stupid |subscribe[ ]to |suck(?:ed|ing|s)? |tits |toes |turd |twat |(?<!\S)ur(?!\S) |vaginas? |yall |yummy #Memes |among[ ]us |caseoh |fortnite |roblox |ronaldo |sigmas? |the[ ]goat |womp )\b"; page_namespace == 0 & !("confirmed" in user_groups) & added_lines irlike sus & !(removed_lines irlike sus)
Filter last modified:01:04, 13 April 2024 by Suffusion of Yellow (talk | contribs)
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