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Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/5/People/Artists, musicians, and composers

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Level 5 Sublists

Vital articles is a list of subjects for which Wikipedia should have corresponding high-quality articles. It serves as a centralized watchlist to track the status of Wikipedia's most essential articles. This is one of the sub-lists of the fifty thousand article Vital articles/Level 5 and is currently under construction.

Articles in the Vital list have their assessments labelled as:

  • Featured articles
  • Former featured articles
  • A-class articles
  • Good articles
  • Delisted good articles
  • Failed good article nominees
  • B-class articles
  • C-class articles
  • Start-class articles
  • Stub-class articles
  • List-class articles
  • Unassessed articles

The progress bar is auto-updated via category count, and the symbols and article counts are updated daily by User:cewbot. Please read the FAQ before modifying the article list.

Quota 2,175 articles.

Total 2,231 articles.

Class #Articles
FA 94
GA 147
B 709
C 654
FFA 43
DGA 60
Start 614
Stub 13

Visual artists


This section contains 795 articles.



This section contains 225 articles.

Ancient era


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Apelles
  2. Iaia
  3. Polygnotus
  4. Zeuxis (painter)

Medieval era


This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Cimabue
  2. Duccio
  3. Gentile da Fabriano
  4. Giotto (Level 4)
  5. Ambrogio Lorenzetti
  6. Simone Martini
  7. Andrei Rublev

Renaissance to early modern era


This section contains 79 articles.

  1. Andrea del Sarto
  2. Fra Angelico
  3. Sofonisba Anguissola
  4. Antonello da Messina
  5. Antonio da Correggio
  6. Giuseppe Arcimboldo
  7. Gentile Bellini
  8. Giovanni Bellini
  9. Hieronymus Bosch (Level 4)
  10. Sandro Botticelli (Level 4)
  11. François Boucher
  12. Bronzino
  13. Jan Brueghel the Elder
  14. Pieter Bruegel the Elder (Level 4)
  15. Pieter Brueghel the Younger
  16. Robert Campin
  17. Canaletto
  18. Caravaggio (Level 4)
  19. Annibale Carracci
  20. Jean Siméon Chardin
  21. John Singleton Copley
  22. Lucas Cranach the Elder
  23. Jacques-Louis David (Level 4)
  24. Albrecht Dürer (Level 4)
  25. Anthony van Dyck
  26. Jan van Eyck (Level 4)
  27. Filippo Lippi
  28. Lavinia Fontana
  29. Jean Fouquet
  30. Jean-Honoré Fragonard
  31. Thomas Gainsborough
  32. Artemisia Gentileschi (Level 4)
  33. Domenico Ghirlandaio
  34. Giorgione
  35. El Greco (Level 4)
  36. Matthias Grünewald
  37. Francisco Goya (Level 4)
  38. Frans Hals
  39. William Hogarth (Level 4)
  40. Hans Holbein the Younger (Level 4)
  41. Gerard van Honthorst
  42. Angelica Kauffman
  43. Georges de La Tour
  44. Charles Le Brun
  45. Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun
  46. Leonardo da Vinci (Level 3)
  47. Lucas van Leyden
  48. Judith Leyster
  49. Claude Lorrain
  50. Andrea Mantegna
  51. Masaccio (Level 4)
  52. Quentin Matsys
  53. Hans Memling
  54. Anton Raphael Mengs
  55. Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
  56. Plautilla Nelli
  57. Paolo Uccello
  58. Parmigianino
  59. Piero della Francesca
  60. Pietro Perugino
  61. Nicolas Poussin (Level 4)
  62. Raphael (Level 4)
  63. Rembrandt (Level 3)
  64. Guido Reni
  65. Joshua Reynolds
  66. Jusepe de Ribera
  67. Peter Paul Rubens (Level 4)
  68. Jacob van Ruisdael
  69. Luca Signorelli
  70. Gilbert Stuart
  71. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
  72. Tintoretto
  73. Titian (Level 4)
  74. Diego Velázquez (Level 4)
  75. Johannes Vermeer (Level 4)
  76. Paolo Veronese
  77. Antoine Watteau (Level 4)
  78. Rogier van der Weyden
  79. Francisco de Zurbarán

Modern era


This section contains 135 articles.

  1. Ivan Aivazovsky
  2. Josef Albers
  3. David Alfaro Siqueiros
  4. Lawrence Alma-Tadema
  5. Tarsila do Amaral
  6. Francis Bacon (artist)
  7. Thomas Hart Benton (painter)
  8. Umberto Boccioni
  9. Arnold Böcklin
  10. Rosa Bonheur
  11. Eugène Boudin
  12. William-Adolphe Bouguereau
  13. Georges Braque
  14. Karl Bryullov
  15. Alexandre Cabanel
  16. Gustave Caillebotte
  17. Mary Cassatt
  18. Paul Cézanne (Level 4)
  19. Marc Chagall (Level 4)
  20. Giorgio de Chirico
  21. Chuck Close
  22. Thomas Cole
  23. John Constable (Level 4)
  24. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
  25. Gustave Courbet (Level 4)
  26. John Steuart Curry
  27. Salvador Dalí (Level 4)
  28. Edgar Degas (Level 4)
  29. Eugène Delacroix (Level 4)
  30. Robert Delaunay
  31. Charles Demuth
  32. André Derain
  33. Otto Dix
  34. Theo van Doesburg
  35. Thomas Eakins
  36. Max Ernst (Level 4)
  37. William Etty
  38. Helen Frankenthaler
  39. Caspar David Friedrich (Level 4)
  40. Akseli Gallen-Kallela
  41. Paul Gauguin (Level 4)
  42. Théodore Géricault
  43. Jean-Léon Gérôme
  44. H. R. Giger
  45. Vincent van Gogh (Level 3)
  46. Natalia Goncharova
  47. Arshile Gorky
  48. Juan Gris
  49. Antoine-Jean Gros
  50. George Grosz
  51. Francesco Hayez
  52. David Hockney
  53. Winslow Homer
  54. Edward Hopper (Level 4)
  55. William Holman Hunt
  56. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (Level 4)
  57. Jasper Johns
  58. Lois Mailou Jones
  59. Frida Kahlo (Level 4)
  60. Wassily Kandinsky (Level 4)
  61. Thomas Kinkade
  62. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
  63. Paul Klee (Level 4)
  64. Gustav Klimt
  65. Hilma af Klint
  66. Willem de Kooning
  67. Ivan Kramskoi
  68. Lee Krasner
  69. Edwin Landseer
  70. Carl Larsson
  71. Jacob Lawrence
  72. Frederic Leighton
  73. Tamara de Lempicka
  74. Roy Lichtenstein
  75. El Lissitzky
  76. August Macke
  77. René Magritte (Level 4)
  78. Hans Makart
  79. Kazimir Malevich (Level 4)
  80. Édouard Manet (Level 4)
  81. Franz Marc (Level 4)
  82. Henri Matisse (Level 4)
  83. Jan Matejko
  84. Adolph Menzel
  85. John Everett Millais
  86. Jean-François Millet
  87. Joan Miró (Level 4)
  88. Paula Modersohn-Becker
  89. Amedeo Modigliani
  90. László Moholy-Nagy
  91. Piet Mondrian (Level 4)
  92. Claude Monet (Level 4)
  93. Gustave Moreau
  94. Berthe Morisot
  95. Grandma Moses
  96. Alphonse Mucha
  97. Edvard Munch (Level 4)
  98. Sidney Nolan
  99. Emil Nolde
  100. Georgia O'Keeffe (Level 4)
  101. Pablo Picasso (Level 3)
  102. Camille Pissarro (Level 4)
  103. Jackson Pollock (Level 4)
  104. Odilon Redon
  105. Frederic Remington
  106. Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Level 4)
  107. Ilya Repin (Level 4)
  108. Gerhard Richter (Level 4)
  109. Bridget Riley
  110. Diego Rivera (Level 4)
  111. Tom Roberts
  112. Nicholas Roerich
  113. Mark Rothko
  114. Henri Rousseau (Level 4)
  115. John Singer Sargent (Level 4)
  116. Jenny Saville
  117. Egon Schiele
  118. Valentin Serov
  119. Georges Seurat (Level 4)
  120. Ivan Shishkin
  121. Paul Signac
  122. Alfred Sisley
  123. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (Level 4)
  124. J. M. W. Turner (Level 4)
  125. Cy Twombly
  126. Suzanne Valadon
  127. Victor Vasarely
  128. Viktor Vasnetsov
  129. Vasily Vereshchagin
  130. Maurice de Vlaminck
  131. Andy Warhol (Level 4)
  132. John William Waterhouse
  133. James McNeill Whistler (Level 4)
  134. Adolf Wölfli
  135. Grant Wood

Cartoonists, comics artists, illustrators, manga artists and animators


This section contains 74 articles.



This section contains 68 articles.



This section contains 119 articles.

  1. Alvar Aalto (Level 4)
  2. Robert Adam
  3. William Adam (architect)
  4. David Adjaye
  5. Leon Battista Alberti (Level 4)
  6. Tadao Ando
  7. Apollodorus of Damascus
  8. Arnolfo di Cambio
  9. Shigeru Ban
  10. Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola
  11. Luis Barragán
  12. Peter Behrens
  13. Francesco Borromini
  14. Donato Bramante
  15. Daniel Burnham
  16. Santiago Calatrava
  17. Le Corbusier (Level 4)
  18. Lluís Domènech i Montaner
  19. B. V. Doshi
  20. Sverre Fehn
  21. Filippo Brunelleschi (Level 4)
  22. Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach
  23. Domenico Fontana
  24. Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank
  25. Buckminster Fuller (Level 4)
  26. Charles Garnier (architect)
  27. Antoni Gaudí (Level 4)
  28. Frank Gehry (Level 4)
  29. Giuliano da Sangallo
  30. Eileen Gray
  31. Walter Gropius (Level 4)
  32. Hector Guimard
  33. Zaha Hadid (Level 4)
  34. Jules Hardouin-Mansart
  35. Hemiunu
  36. Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt
  37. Josef Hoffmann
  38. Hans Hollein
  39. Victor Horta
  40. Friedensreich Hundertwasser
  41. Ictinus
  42. Imhotep (Level 4)
  43. Isidore of Miletus
  44. Arata Isozaki
  45. Toyo Ito
  46. Arne Jacobsen
  47. William Le Baron Jenney
  48. Philip Johnson (Level 4)
  49. Inigo Jones
  50. Louis Kahn (Level 4)
  51. Rem Koolhaas
  52. Benjamin Henry Latrobe
  53. Louis Le Vau
  54. Claude Nicolas Ledoux
  55. Daniel Libeskind
  56. Adolf Loos
  57. Charles Rennie Mackintosh
  58. Carlo Maderno
  59. François Mansart
  60. Richard Meier
  61. Erich Mendelsohn
  62. Michelozzo
  63. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Level 4)
  64. Balthasar Neumann
  65. Richard Neutra
  66. Oscar Niemeyer (Level 4)
  67. Jean Nouvel
  68. Frei Otto
  69. Andrea Palladio (Level 4)
  70. Peter Parler
  71. I. M. Pei (Level 4)
  72. César Pelli
  73. Renzo Piano
  74. Jože Plečnik
  75. Giacomo della Porta
  76. Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli
  77. Henry Hobson Richardson
  78. Kevin Roche
  79. Richard Rogers
  80. Aldo Rossi
  81. Eero Saarinen
  82. Vincenzo Scamozzi
  83. Karl Friedrich Schinkel
  84. Kazuyo Sejima
  85. Gottfried Semper
  86. Senenmut
  87. Sebastiano Serlio
  88. Alexey Shchusev
  89. Mimar Sinan (Level 4)
  90. Álvaro Siza Vieira
  91. Albert Speer (Level 4)
  92. James Stirling (architect)
  93. Suger
  94. Louis Sullivan (Level 4)
  95. Kenzō Tange
  96. Vladimir Tatlin
  97. Bruno Taut
  98. William Thornton
  99. Jørn Utzon
  100. Henry van de Velde
  101. Robert Venturi
  102. Carlos Raúl Villanueva
  103. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc
  104. Vitruvius (Level 4)
  105. Otto Wagner
  106. Wang Shu
  107. Christopher Wren (Level 4)
  108. Frank Lloyd Wright (Level 4)
  109. Peter Zumthor

Urban planners and landscape architects


This section contains 10 articles out of a quota of 10.

  1. Lúcio Costa
  2. Patrick Geddes
  3. Walter Burley Griffin
  4. Georges-Eugène Haussmann (Level 4)
  5. Hippodamus of Miletus
  6. Robert Trent Jones
  7. Robert Moses (Level 4)
  8. André Le Nôtre
  9. Frederick Law Olmsted (Level 4)
  10. Hermann, Fürst von Pückler-Muskau



This section contains 98 articles.

Designers: General


This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Thomas Andrews
  2. George Balabushka
  3. Dorothy Draper
  4. Joanne Gair
  5. Norman Bel Geddes
  6. Jony Ive
  7. Raymond Loewy (Level 4)
  8. Louis Comfort Tiffany
  9. Thomas Tompion
  10. Elsie de Wolfe



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Giorgetto Giugiaro
  2. Bill Mitchell (automobile designer)

Board game and toy designers


This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Alfred Mosher Butts
  2. Ole Kirk Christiansen
  3. Charles Darrow
  4. Richard Garfield
  5. Gary Gygax
  6. Lonnie Johnson (inventor)
  7. Lizzie Magie
  8. Steve Ritchie (pinball designer)
  9. Ernő Rubik



This section contains 36 articles.

  1. Iris Apfel
  2. Giorgio Armani
  3. Cristóbal Balenciaga
  4. Pierre Balmain
  5. Rose Bertin
  6. Hugo Boss (businessman)
  7. Pierre Cardin
  8. Coco Chanel (Level 4)
  9. Christian Dior
  10. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon
  11. Tom Ford
  12. Diane von Fürstenberg
  13. Hubert de Givenchy
  14. Guccio Gucci
  15. Edith Head
  16. Marc Jacobs
  17. Calvin Klein
  18. Karl Lagerfeld
  19. Ralph Lauren
  20. Yves Saint Laurent (designer) (Level 4)
  21. Christian Louboutin
  22. Alexander McQueen
  23. Orry-Kelly
  24. Miuccia Prada
  25. Mary Quant
  26. Oscar de la Renta
  27. Elsa Schiaparelli
  28. Kate Spade
  29. Valentino (fashion designer)
  30. Donatella Versace
  31. Gianni Versace
  32. Madeleine Vionnet
  33. Louis Vuitton (designer)
  34. Vivienne Westwood
  35. Charles Frederick Worth
  36. Yohji Yamamoto

Furniture designers


This section contains 7 articles.

  1. André-Charles Boulle
  2. Marcel Breuer
  3. Thomas Chippendale
  4. Charles and Ray Eames
  5. Verner Panton
  6. Gerrit Rietveld
  7. Michael Thonet

Graphic designers


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Saul Bass
  2. Milton Glaser
  3. Bill Gold
  4. Massimo Vignelli

Jewellery designers


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Peter Carl Fabergé
  2. Paloma Picasso
  3. Charles Lewis Tiffany
  4. Harry Winston

Textile designers


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. William Morris
  2. Elizabeth Zimmermann

Typeface designers


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. William Caslon
  2. Adrian Frutiger
  3. Eric Gill
  4. Jan Tschichold

Video game designers


This section contains 20 articles.

  1. Ralph H. Baer
  2. Nolan Bushnell
  3. John Carmack
  4. Trip Hawkins
  5. Tōru Iwatani
  6. Hideo Kojima
  7. Ken Kutaragi
  8. Sid Meier
  9. Shigeru Miyamoto (Level 4)
  10. Yuji Naka
  11. Tomohiro Nishikado
  12. Gabe Newell
  13. Alexey Pajitnov
  14. Markus Persson
  15. Hironobu Sakaguchi
  16. Tim Schafer
  17. Satoshi Tajiri
  18. Roberta Williams
  19. Will Wright (game designer)
  20. Gunpei Yokoi



This section contains 60 articles.

Contemporary art


This section contains 34 articles.

Other arts


This section contains 19 articles.

Non-Western art


This section contains 98 articles.



This section contains 10 articles.

  1. El Anatsui
  2. Ben Enwonwu
  3. George Lilanga
  4. Gonçalo Mabunda
  5. Esther Mahlangu
  6. Uche Okeke
  7. Bruce Onobrakpeya
  8. Chéri Samba
  9. Gerard Sekoto
  10. Osman Waqialla



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Latif Karimov



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Zainul Abedin
  2. Quamrul Hassan



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Vann Nath



This section contains 23 articles.

  1. Chu Suiliang
  2. Dong Qichang
  3. Fan Kuan
  4. Gu Kaizhi
  5. Guan Daosheng
  6. Guo Xi
  7. Li Tang (painter)
  8. Ma Yuan (painter)
  9. Ouyang Xun
  10. Qi Baishi
  11. Qiu Ying
  12. Qiu Zhu
  13. Shen Zhou
  14. Shitao (Level 4)
  15. Tang Yin
  16. Wang Xizhi (Level 4)
  17. Wen Zhengming
  18. Wu Daozi
  19. Xue Ji
  20. Yan Zhenqing
  21. Yu Shinan
  22. Zhao Mengfu
  23. Zhu Yunming



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Pacita Abad
  2. Fernando Amorsolo
  3. Juan Luna
  4. Félix Resurrección Hidalgo



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Ramkinkar Baij
  2. Nandalal Bose
  3. M. F. Husain
  4. Tyeb Mehta
  5. Anjolie Ela Menon
  6. Abd al-Samad
  7. Amrita Sher-Gil
  8. Abanindranath Tagore
  9. Raja Ravi Varma

Indigenous Australian


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Emily Kame Kngwarreye
  2. Sally Morgan (artist)
  3. Albert Namatjira
  4. Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri



This section contains 19 articles.

  1. Akira Yoshizawa
  2. Hasegawa Tōhaku
  3. Hokusai (Level 3)
  4. Hon'ami Kōetsu
  5. Hiroshige (Level 4)
  6. Shinsui Itō
  7. Kanō Eitoku
  8. Kanō Masanobu (Level 4)
  9. Kawanabe Kyōsai
  10. John Naka
  11. Ogata Kōrin
  12. Sesshū Tōyō (Level 4)
  13. Sharaku
  14. Shibata Zeshin
  15. Tawaraya Sōtatsu
  16. Toyohara Chikanobu
  17. Uemura Shōen
  18. Utagawa Toyokuni
  19. Utamaro



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Kim Hong-do
  2. Kim Jeong-hui
  3. Jeong Seon
  4. Na Hye-sŏk
  5. Sin Yun-bok



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Daoud Corm

Native American


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Angel De Cora
  2. R. C. Gorman
  3. Silver Horn
  4. Dat So La Lee



This section contains 1 article.

  1. John Pule



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Nusret Çolpan
  2. Sheikh Hamdullah
  3. Hâfiz Osman
  4. Nakkaş Osman



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Reza Abbasi
  2. Mir Sayyid Ali
  3. Hossein Behzad
  4. Kamāl ud-Dīn Behzād
  5. Mir Emad Hassani
  6. Aliquli Jabbadar
  7. Kamal-ol-molk



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Thawan Duchanee
  2. Chalermchai Kositpipat



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Tô Ngọc Vân

Musicians and composers


This section contains 1436 articles.

Western art music


This section contains 361 articles.



This section contains 211 articles.

Medieval and Renaissance


This section contains 20 articles.

  1. Gilles Binchois
  2. William Byrd
  3. John Dowland
  4. Guillaume Du Fay (Level 4)
  5. John Dunstaple
  6. Carlo Gesualdo
  7. Hildegard of Bingen (Level 4)
  8. Josquin des Prez (Level 4)
  9. Francesco Landini
  10. Orlando di Lasso
  11. Léonin
  12. Guillaume de Machaut (Level 4)
  13. Thomas Morley
  14. Johannes Ockeghem
  15. Jacopo Peri
  16. Pérotin
  17. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (Level 4)
  18. Thomas Tallis
  19. Tomás Luis de Victoria
  20. Adrian Willaert



This section contains 24 articles.

  1. Tomaso Albinoni
  2. Johann Sebastian Bach (Level 3)
  3. Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
  4. Dieterich Buxtehude
  5. Arcangelo Corelli
  6. François Couperin
  7. Girolamo Frescobaldi
  8. Johann Jakob Froberger
  9. Giovanni Gabrieli
  10. Orlando Gibbons
  11. George Frideric Handel (Level 4)
  12. Jean-Baptiste Lully
  13. Claudio Monteverdi (Level 4)
  14. Johann Pachelbel
  15. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
  16. Henry Purcell (Level 4)
  17. Jean-Philippe Rameau
  18. Gaspar Sanz
  19. Domenico Scarlatti
  20. Heinrich Schütz
  21. Johann Stamitz
  22. Barbara Strozzi
  23. Georg Philipp Telemann
  24. Antonio Vivaldi (Level 4)



This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
  2. Ludwig van Beethoven (Level 3)
  3. Luigi Boccherini
  4. Luigi Cherubini
  5. Muzio Clementi
  6. Christoph Willibald Gluck
  7. Joseph Haydn (Level 4)
  8. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Level 3)
  9. Chevalier de Saint-Georges
  10. Antonio Salieri



This section contains 44 articles.

  1. Mily Balakirev
  2. Amy Beach
  3. Vincenzo Bellini
  4. Hector Berlioz (Level 4)
  5. Georges Bizet
  6. Alexander Borodin
  7. Johannes Brahms (Level 4)
  8. Anton Bruckner (Level 4)
  9. Frédéric Chopin (Level 4)
  10. César Cui
  11. Léo Delibes
  12. Gaetano Donizetti
  13. Antonín Dvořák (Level 4)
  14. Edward Elgar (Level 4)
  15. César Franck
  16. Gilbert and Sullivan (Level 4)
    1. Arthur Sullivan
  17. Alexander Glazunov
  18. Mikhail Glinka
  19. Charles Gounod
  20. Enrique Granados
  21. Edvard Grieg
  22. Johann Nepomuk Hummel
  23. Ruggero Leoncavallo
  24. Franz Liszt (Level 4)
  25. Jules Massenet
  26. Felix Mendelssohn (Level 4)
  27. Giacomo Meyerbeer
  28. Modest Mussorgsky (Level 4)
  29. Jacques Offenbach
  30. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (Level 4)
  31. Gioachino Rossini (Level 4)
  32. Camille Saint-Saëns
  33. Franz Schubert (Level 4)
  34. Robert Schumann (Level 4)
  35. Bedřich Smetana
  36. John Philip Sousa
  37. Johann Strauss I
  38. Johann Strauss II (Level 4)
  39. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Level 4)
  40. Giuseppe Verdi (Level 4)
  41. Richard Wagner (Level 4)
  42. Carl Maria von Weber
  43. Hugo Wolf

Post-romantic/early modern


This section contains 19 articles.

  1. Isaac Albéniz
  2. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
  3. Claude Debussy (Level 4)
  4. Manuel de Falla
  5. Gabriel Fauré (Level 4)
  6. Chiquinha Gonzaga
  7. Gustav Holst
  8. Leoš Janáček
  9. Franz Lehár
  10. Gustav Mahler (Level 4)
  11. Carl Nielsen
  12. Giacomo Puccini (Level 4)
  13. Sergei Rachmaninoff (Level 4)
  14. Maurice Ravel (Level 4)
  15. Erik Satie
  16. Alexander Scriabin
  17. Jean Sibelius (Level 4)
  18. Ethel Smyth
  19. Richard Strauss (Level 4)

20th century modern


This section contains 36 articles.

  1. Samuel Barber
  2. Béla Bartók (Level 4)
  3. Alban Berg
  4. Benjamin Britten (Level 4)
  5. Elliott Carter
  6. Aaron Copland (Level 4)
  7. Peter Maxwell Davies
  8. George Gershwin (Level 4)
  9. Manos Hatzidakis
  10. Paul Hindemith
  11. Charles Ives
  12. Aram Khachaturian
  13. Oliver Knussen
  14. Witold Lutosławski
  15. Bohuslav Martinů
  16. Gian Carlo Menotti
  17. Olivier Messiaen
  18. Darius Milhaud
  19. Carl Orff
  20. Francis Poulenc
  21. Sergei Prokofiev (Level 4)
  22. Ottorino Respighi
  23. Alfred Schnittke
  24. Arnold Schoenberg (Level 4)
  25. Peter Sculthorpe
  26. Dmitri Shostakovich (Level 4)
  27. Fela Sowande
  28. Igor Stravinsky (Level 4)
  29. Karol Szymanowski
  30. Virgil Thomson
  31. Edgard Varèse
  32. Ralph Vaughan Williams (Level 4)
  33. Heitor Villa-Lobos
  34. Pancho Vladigerov
  35. William Walton
  36. Anton Webern



This section contains 23 articles.

  1. John Adams (composer)
  2. Laurie Anderson
  3. Milton Babbitt
  4. Luciano Berio
  5. Harrison Birtwistle
  6. Pierre Boulez (Level 4)
  7. John Cage (Level 4)
  8. Morton Feldman
  9. Brian Ferneyhough
  10. Philip Glass (Level 4)
  11. Henryk Górecki
  12. György Ligeti (Level 4)
  13. Arvo Pärt
  14. Harry Partch
  15. Krzysztof Penderecki
  16. Steve Reich
  17. Terry Riley
  18. Pierre Schaeffer
  19. Karlheinz Stockhausen (Level 4)
  20. Tōru Takemitsu
  21. Iannis Xenakis
  22. La Monte Young
  23. Isang Yun

21st century contemporary


This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Unsuk Chin
  2. Ludovico Einaudi
  3. Kaija Saariaho

Film, television, video games and other entertainment


This section contains 23 articles.

  1. John Barry (composer)
  2. Georges Delerue
  3. Delia Derbyshire
  4. Danny Elfman
  5. Jerry Goldsmith
  6. Marvin Hamlisch
  7. Bernard Herrmann
  8. Joe Hisaishi
  9. James Horner
  10. Yoko Kanno
  11. Koji Kondo
  12. Erich Wolfgang Korngold
  13. Henry Mancini
  14. Ennio Morricone
  15. Miklós Rózsa
  16. Lalo Schifrin
  17. Jeremy Soule
  18. Max Steiner
  19. Mikis Theodorakis
  20. Nobuo Uematsu
  21. Franz Waxman
  22. John Williams
  23. Hans Zimmer

Light music


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Percy Faith
  2. Mantovani

New Age


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Enya
  2. Jean-Michel Jarre
  3. Kitarō
  4. Yanni



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Scott Joplin (Level 4)
  2. Joseph Lamb (composer)
  3. James Scott (composer)



This section contains 5 articles.



This section contains 145 articles.



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Nicolas Chédeville



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Vassilis Tsitsanis



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Pablo Casals (Level 4)
  2. Yo-Yo Ma
  3. Gregor Piatigorsky
  4. Jacqueline du Pré
  5. Mstislav Rostropovich (Level 4)



This section contains 20 articles.

  1. Claudio Abbado
  2. Thomas Beecham
  3. Leonard Bernstein (Level 4)
  4. Karl Böhm
  5. Hans von Bülow
  6. Sergiu Celibidache
  7. Wilhelm Furtwängler
  8. John Eliot Gardiner
  9. Carlo Maria Giulini
  10. Nikolaus Harnoncourt
  11. Herbert von Karajan (Level 4)
  12. Carlos Kleiber
  13. Otto Klemperer
  14. Pierre Monteux
  15. Yevgeny Mravinsky
  16. Simon Rattle
  17. Georg Solti
  18. Leopold Stokowski
  19. George Szell
  20. Arturo Toscanini (Level 4)

Double bassists


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Giovanni Bottesini
  2. Serge Koussevitzky



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Jacques-Martin Hotteterre
  2. Jean-Pierre Rampal
  3. Paul Taffanel
  4. Gheorghe Zamfir



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Julian Bream
  2. Andrés Segovia
  3. Fernando Sor
  4. Francisco Tárrega



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. François-Joseph Naderman
  2. Turlough O'Carolan



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Wanda Landowska

Horn players


This section contains 1 article.

  1. Dennis Brain



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Vincenzo Galilei



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Keiko Abe
  2. Evelyn Glennie



This section contains 32 articles.

  1. Martha Argerich
  2. Claudio Arrau
  3. Vladimir Ashkenazy
  4. Wilhelm Backhaus
  5. Daniel Barenboim
  6. Alfred Brendel
  7. Van Cliburn
  8. Alfred Cortot
  9. György Cziffra
  10. Emil Gilels
  11. Glenn Gould (Level 4)
  12. Vladimir Horowitz (Level 4)
  13. Friedrich Kalkbrenner
  14. Wilhelm Kempff
  15. Lang Lang
  16. Alicia de Larrocha
  17. Liberace
  18. Dinu Lipatti
  19. Radu Lupu
  20. Ignacy Jan Paderewski
  21. Murray Perahia
  22. André Previn
  23. Sviatoslav Richter (Level 4)
  24. Arthur Rubinstein (Level 4)
  25. András Schiff
  26. Artur Schnabel
  27. Clara Schumann (Level 4)
  28. Rudolf Serkin
  29. Grigory Sokolov
  30. Mitsuko Uchida
  31. Yundi
  32. Krystian Zimerman



This section contains 52 articles.

  1. Marian Anderson
  2. Victoria de los Ángeles
  3. Cecilia Bartoli
  4. Mattia Battistini
  5. Jussi Björling
  6. Andrea Bocelli
  7. Faustina Bordoni
  8. Sarah Brightman
  9. Montserrat Caballé
  10. Maria Callas (Level 4)
  11. José Carreras
  12. Enrico Caruso (Level 4)
  13. Feodor Chaliapin
  14. Franco Corelli
  15. Régine Crespin
  16. Alfred Deller
  17. Plácido Domingo (Level 4)
  18. Farinelli
  19. Geraldine Farrar
  20. Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (Level 4)
  21. Kirsten Flagstad (Level 4)
  22. Renée Fleming
  23. Beniamino Gigli
  24. Tito Gobbi
  25. Giulia Grisi
  26. Hans Hotter
  27. Jonas Kaufmann
  28. Michael Kelly (tenor)
  29. Mario Lanza
  30. Sergei Lemeshev
  31. Jenny Lind
  32. Christa Ludwig
  33. Maria Malibran
  34. Nellie Melba
  35. Lauritz Melchior
  36. Anna Netrebko
  37. Birgit Nilsson
  38. Adelina Patti
  39. Luciano Pavarotti (Level 4)
  40. Rosa Ponselle
  41. Leontyne Price
  42. Anna Renzi
  43. Paul Robeson
  44. Giovanni Battista Rubini
  45. Titta Ruffo
  46. Charles Santley
  47. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
  48. Teresa Stolz
  49. Joan Sutherland (Level 4)
  50. Kiri Te Kanawa
  51. Renata Tebaldi
  52. Fritz Wunderlich



This section contains 15 articles.

  1. Mischa Elman
  2. Hilary Hahn
  3. Jascha Heifetz
  4. Fritz Kreisler
  5. Karol Lipiński
  6. Yehudi Menuhin
  7. Nathan Milstein
  8. David Oistrakh
  9. Niccolò Paganini (Level 4)
  10. Itzhak Perlman
  11. André Rieu
  12. Pablo de Sarasate
  13. Isaac Stern
  14. Giuseppe Tartini
  15. Henryk Wieniawski



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. William Primrose
  2. Lionel Tertis

Non-Western art music


This section contains 43 articles.



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Turgun Alimatov
  2. K. P. H. Notoprojo
  3. Liu Tianhua
  4. Min Huifen
  5. Michio Miyagi
  6. Daihachi Oguchi
  7. Yatsuhashi Kengyo



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Cosmas of Maiuma
  2. Joseph the Hymnographer
  3. Kassia
  4. John Koukouzeles
  5. Romanos the Melodist

Carnatic classical


This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Muthiah Bhagavatar
  2. Purandara Dasa
  3. Muthuswami Dikshitar (Level 4)
  4. Syama Sastri (Level 4)
  5. Tyagaraja (Level 4)
  6. Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma

Chinese opera


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Mei Baojiu
  2. Mei Lanfang

Hindustani classical


This section contains 12 articles.

  1. Nikhil Banerjee
  2. Hariprasad Chaurasia
  3. Mehdi Hassan
  4. Zakir Hussain (musician)
  5. Ali Akbar Khan (Level 4)
  6. Allauddin Khan
  7. Amir Khan (singer)
  8. Farida Khanum
  9. Alla Rakha
  10. Ravi Shankar (Level 4)
  11. Jagjit Singh
  12. Tansen



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Lalon
  2. Farida Parveen

Ottoman/Turkish classical


This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Buhurizade Mustafa Itri
  2. Zeki Müren
  3. Müzeyyen Senar

Persian traditional


This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Barbad
  2. Hayedeh
  3. Mohammad-Reza Lotfi
  4. Shahram Nazeri
  5. Faramarz Payvar
  6. Mohammad-Reza Shajarian (Level 4)

Religious music


This section contains 23 articles.



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Yossele Rosenblatt

Contemporary Christian music


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. DC Talk
  2. Amy Grant
  3. Larry Norman
  4. Michael W. Smith

Contemporary Jewish music


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Shlomo Carlebach
  2. Debbie Friedman



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Andraé Crouch
  2. Thomas A. Dorsey
  3. Mahalia Jackson
  4. Blind Willie Johnson
  5. Sister Rosetta Tharpe



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. William Billings
  2. Fanny Crosby
  3. Lowell Mason
  4. John Newton
  5. Isaac Watts



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Raihan
  2. Sami Yusuf

Sufi music


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Junoon (band)
  2. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (Level 4)
  3. Abida Parveen
  4. Sabri Brothers

This section contains 89 articles.


This section contains 847 articles.


This section contains 85 articles.



This section contains 24 articles.



This section contains 4 articles.

Comedy, novelty and children's music


This section contains 3 articles.

Folk and Country


This section contains 63 articles.



This section contains 2 articles.


This section contains 302 articles.



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Nexhmije Pagarusha



This section contains 12 articles.

  1. Mohammed Abdel Wahab
  2. Nancy Ajram
  3. DAM (band)
  4. Sayed Darwish
  5. Amr Diab
  6. Fairuz
  7. Abdel Halim Hafez
  8. Cheb Hasni
  9. Khaled (musician)
  10. Umm Kulthum (Level 4)
  11. Hamza Namira
  12. Rachid Taha



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Sirusho



This section contains 1 article.

  1. N.R.M.



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Lili Ivanova



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein

Chinese languages (Mandarin, Cantonese and Taiwanese)


This section contains 25 articles.

  1. A-Mei
  2. Bai Guang
  3. Bai Hong
  4. Cai Xukun
  5. Edison Chen
  6. Jacky Cheung
  7. Leslie Cheung
  8. Jay Chou
  9. Cui Jian
  10. Gong Qiuxia
  11. Sam Hui
  12. Aaron Kwok
  13. Leon Lai
  14. Andy Lau
  15. JJ Lin
  16. Anita Mui
  17. S.H.E
  18. Stefanie Sun
  19. Alan Tam
  20. Teresa Teng (Level 4)
  21. Jolin Tsai
  22. Faye Wong
  23. Wu Yingyin
  24. Yao Lee
  25. Zhou Xuan



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Karel Gott
  2. Hana Hegerová



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Kim Larsen



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Herman Brood
  2. Boudewijn de Groot
  3. André Hazes
  4. Bobbejaan Schoepen



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Tapio Rautavaara



This section contains 22 articles.

  1. Alizée
  2. Anggun
  3. Charles Aznavour (Level 4)
  4. Jacques Brel
  5. Dalida
  6. Lara Fabian
  7. Mylène Farmer
  8. Claude François
  9. Serge Gainsbourg (Level 4)
  10. France Gall
  11. Johnny Hallyday
  12. Françoise Hardy
  13. IAM (band)
  14. Indochine (band)
  15. Mireille Mathieu
  16. Noir Désir
  17. Vanessa Paradis
  18. Édith Piaf (Level 4)
  19. Stromae
  20. Téléphone
  21. Charles Trenet
  22. Sylvie Vartan



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Irakli Charkviani
  2. Lela Tsurtsumia



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Lys Assia
  2. Comedian Harmonists
  3. Falco (musician)
  4. Helene Fischer
  5. Herbert Grönemeyer
  6. Nena
  7. Rammstein



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Haris Alexiou
  2. Nana Mouskouri
  3. Anna Vissi



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Zohar Argov
  2. Arik Einstein
  3. Eyal Golan
  4. Ofra Haza
  5. Kaveret



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Vali Rácz



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Sigur Rós

Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Nepali languages


This section contains 20 articles.

  1. Abrar-ul-Haq
  2. Asha Bhosle
  3. Alisha Chinai
  4. Geeta Dutt
  5. Shreya Ghoshal
  6. Narayan Gopal
  7. Noor Jehan
  8. Azam Khan (singer)
  9. Kishore Kumar
  10. Aruna Lama
  11. Lata Mangeshkar (Level 4)
  12. Daler Mehndi
  13. Mukesh (singer)
  14. Sonu Nigam
  15. Mohammed Rafi
  16. Ahmed Rushdi
  17. Yo Yo Honey Singh
  18. Suraiya
  19. Vital Signs (band)
  20. Alka Yagnik



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Chrisye
  2. Dewa 19
  3. Didi Kempot
  4. Koes Plus
  5. Noah (band)
  6. Nike Ardilla
  7. Rhoma Irama



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Fabrizio De André
  2. Zucchero Fornaciari
  3. Mango (singer)
  4. Mia Martini
  5. Mina (Italian singer)
  6. Domenico Modugno
  7. Laura Pausini
  8. Eros Ramazzotti
  9. Luigi Tenco



This section contains 30 articles.

  1. AKB48
  2. Namie Amuro
  3. Arashi
  4. B'z
  5. Babymetal
  6. Exile (Japanese band)
  7. Fishmans
  8. Ichirō Fujiyama
  9. Gackt
  10. Ayumi Hamasaki
  11. Happy End (band)
  12. L'Arc-en-Ciel
  13. Michiya Mihashi
  14. Hibari Misora
  15. Ichirou Mizuki
  16. Momoiro Clover Z
  17. Morning Musume
  18. Mr. Children
  19. Akina Nakamori
  20. Perfume (Japanese band)
  21. Pink Lady (duo)
  22. Kyu Sakamoto
  23. SMAP
  24. Southern All Stars
  25. The Stalin
  26. Hikaru Utada
  27. X Japan
  28. Yoshiko Yamaguchi
  29. Momoe Yamaguchi
  30. Tatsuro Yamashita



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Ninety One (group)
  2. Dimash Qudaibergen



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Ros Serey Sothea
  2. Sinn Sisamouth



This section contains 25 articles.

  1. 2NE1
  2. BigBang (South Korean band)
  3. Blackpink
  4. BoA
  5. BTS
  6. Drunken Tiger
  7. Exo
  8. Girls' Generation
  9. H.O.T.
  10. IU (singer)
  11. Kim Gun-mo
  12. Kim Kwang-seok
  13. Lee Mi-ja
  14. Moranbong Band
  15. Psy
  16. Rain (entertainer)
  17. Red Velvet (group)
  18. S.E.S. (group)
  19. Seo Taiji and Boys
  20. Shin Joong-hyun
  21. Shinee
  22. Super Junior
  23. TVXQ
  24. Twice
  25. Wonder Girls



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Toše Proeski



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Awie
  2. KRU
  3. Sharifah Aini
  4. Siti Nurhaliza
  5. Sudirman (singer)



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Sarantuya



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Arne Bendiksen

Persian languages


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Googoosh
  2. Muboraksho Mirzoshoyev
  3. Viguen
  4. Ahmad Zahir



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Ewa Demarczyk
  2. Edyta Górniak



This section contains 13 articles.

  1. José Afonso
  2. Anitta (singer)
  3. Roberto Carlos (singer)
  4. Carlos do Carmo
  5. Cartola
  6. Gilberto Gil
  7. Luiz Gonzaga
  8. Daniela Mercury
  9. Carmen Miranda
  10. Pixinguinha
  11. Amália Rodrigues
  12. Elza Soares
  13. Caetano Veloso

Romanian & Moldavian


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. O-Zone
  2. Maria Tănase



This section contains 18 articles.

  1. Aquarium (band)
  2. Dima Bilan
  3. Yanka Dyagileva
  4. Gorky Park (band)
  5. Eduard Khil
  6. Kino (band)
    1. Viktor Tsoi
  7. Philipp Kirkorov
  8. Valery Leontiev
  9. Muslim Magomayev (musician)
  10. Bulat Okudzhava
  11. Alla Pugacheva
  12. Lidia Ruslanova
  13. t.A.T.u.
  14. Leonid Utesov
  15. Alexander Vertinsky
  16. Vitas
  17. Vladimir Vysotsky (Level 4)

Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian languages


This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Silvana Armenulić
  2. Goran Bregović
  3. Ceca (singer)
  4. Gru (rapper)
  5. Severina (singer)



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. W. D. Amaradeva
  2. Clarence Wijewardena



This section contains 34 articles.

  1. Antonio Aguilar
  2. Ricardo Arjona
  3. Bad Bunny
  4. Calle 13 (band)
  5. Manu Chao
  6. Vicente Fernández
  7. Lola Flores
  8. Juan Gabriel
  9. Charly García
  10. Carlos Gardel
  11. Julio Iglesias (Level 4)
  12. Víctor Jara
  13. José Alfredo Jiménez
  14. José José
  15. Rocío Jurado
  16. Natalia Lafourcade
  17. Luis Miguel
  18. Lydia Mendoza
  19. Menudo (group)
    1. Ricky Martin
  20. Sara Montiel
  21. Violeta Parra
  22. Astor Piazzolla (Level 4)
  23. Raphael (singer)
  24. Rodrigo (musician)
  25. Sandro de América
  26. Alejandro Sanz
  27. Selena (Level 4)
  28. Soda Stereo
  29. Javier Solís
  30. Mercedes Sosa
  31. Luis Alberto Spinetta
  32. Yma Sumac
  33. Thalía



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Evert Taube
  2. Vikingarna (band)

Tagalog and other Filipino languages


This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Freddie Aguilar
  2. APO Hiking Society
  3. Eraserheads
  4. Sarah Geronimo
  5. Francis Magalona
  6. Regine Velasquez



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Christina Aguilar
  2. Carabao (band)
  3. Pumpuang Duangjan
  4. Loso
  5. Thongchai McIntyre
  6. Jintara Poonlarp
  7. Suraphol Sombatcharoen



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Tinariwen



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Sezen Aksu
  2. Cem Karaca
  3. Barış Manço
  4. Tarkan (singer)
  5. Hande Yener



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Huun-Huur-Tu



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Ani Lorak
  2. Sofia Rotaru



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Shahzoda



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Sơn Tùng M-TP
  2. Thanh Lam
  3. Trịnh Công Sơn

This section contains 39 articles.

Blues, R&B, Funk, Zydeco and Soul


This section contains 73 articles.



This section contains 7 articles.



This section contains 173 articles.

Rock: General


This section contains 66 articles.

Rock and roll


This section contains 20 articles.

Alternative rock


This section contains 28 articles.

Heavy metal and hard rock


This section contains 34 articles.


This section contains 25 articles.

Electronic music


This section contains 25 articles.

Hip-hop and rap


This section contains 47 articles.

Music producers, songwriters and businesspeople


This section contains 73 articles.

Musical theatre and film


This section contains 32 articles.