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List of generals of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic Armed Forces

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On May 28, 1918, Azerbaijan declared its independence. By the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic dated June 26, 1918, the Azerbaijani Special Corps was established with 5,000 personnel led by General Ali-Agha Shikhlinski. On July 11, military mobilization was announced by a government decree. All Muslim citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan born in 1894-1899 were called up for military service. Samad bey Mehmandarov was appointed Minister of War.[1][2][3][4][5]



These were the generals of the army:

Number Image Name Birth date Birthplace Death date Death place Activity
1 Samad bey Mehmandarov 16 October 1855 Lenkoran (Lankaran), Lenkoran uezd, Elizavetpol Governorate, Russian Empire 12 February 1931 Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union General of the Artillery in the Imperial Russian Army and served as Minister of Defense of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
2 Ali-Agha Shikhlinski 3 March 1863 Aşağı Salahlı, Kazakh (Qazax), Kazakh uezd,Elizavetpol Governorate, Russian Empire 18 August 1943 Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union Lieutenant-general of the Russian imperial army, Deputy Minister of Defense and General of the Artillery of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and a Soviet military officer.
3 Khosrov bey Sultanov 10 May 1879 Kürdhacı, Zangezur uezd, Elizavetpol Governorate
Russian Empire
7 January 1943 Kars
General Governor of Karabakh and Minister of Defense of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic.[6]
4 Ibrahim agha Vekilov 7 May 1853 Kazakh (Qazax), Kazakh uezd, Elizavetpol Governorate, Russian Empire 2 June 1934 Baku
Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union
The first Azerbaijani specialist in topography, major-general, the first person in the Caucasus to be awarded the rank of major-general in military topography.[7]
5 Habib bey Salimov 8 February 1881 Erivan (Yerevan), Erivan uezd, Erivan Governorate, Russian Empire 30 December 1920 Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic The first Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijani Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. After occupation of Azerbaijan by Bolsheviks, Salimov was appointed Military Commissar to Nakhchivan. However, Salimov refused to work with Bolsheviks and was arrested on September 1, 1920. On December 30, 1920 he was executed by firing squad.[8]
6 Maciej Sulkiewicz 20 June 1865 Kiemiejšy, Vilna Governorate, Russian Empire (present-day Belarus) 15 July 1920 Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic Lieutenant general in the Russian Empire, Prime Minister of Crimean Regional Government (1918), and Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijani Armed Forces in 1918–20. He was executed by the Bolsheviks, after the Bolshevik invasion of Azerbaijan in 1920.[9]
7 Ibrahim bey Usubov 6 March 1872 Yukhary-Salakhly, Kazakh uezd, Elizavetpol Governorate, Russian Empire 30 December 1920 Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic Major General in Russian Imperial Army and Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.[10]
8 Firudin bey Vazirov 19 April 1850 Tiflis, Tiflis Governorate, Russian Empire 30 June 1925 Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union Major-general in Russian Imperial Army and Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. He was executed on June 30, 1925 in Baku.[11]
9 Amir Kazim Mirza Qajar 1 May 1853 Shusha, Shusha uezd, Shemakha Governorate, Russian Empire 30 June 1920 Ganja, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic Prince of Persia's Qajar dynasty, Imperial Russian and Azerbaijani military commander, having the rank of Major-General.[12][13] After the Red Army invasion of Azerbaijan and the suppression of the anti-Soviet uprising in Ganja, Mirza Kazim Qajar was arrested, and executed by the Bolsheviks in the Ganja.[14]
10 Sadykh bey Aghabeyov 15 March 1865 Goychay, Baku Governorate 9 October 1944 Lviv, Ukraine General in the Russian Imperial Army and Azerbaijani politician in Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, founder and reformer of Azerbaijani Police, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, Major General, Orientalist.[15][16]
11 Feyzulla Mirza Qajar 15 December 1872 Shusha, Shusha uezd, Elizavetpol Governorate, Russian Empire June 1920 Boyuk Zira, Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic Prince of Persia's Qajar dynasty and a decorated Imperial Russian and Azerbaijani military commander, having the rank of Major-General. In the Russian imperial army, he was the commander of the 1st Caucasian Native Cavalry Division, and the commander of Ganja garrison in the army of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. After the Sovietization of Azerbaijan and the suppression of the anti-Soviet uprising in Ganja, Feyzulla Mirza Qajar was arrested, taken to Baku and executed by the Bolsheviks on the island of Nargin.[17]
12 First row, third from left Amanullah Mirza Qajar 8 January 1857 Shusha, Shusha uezd, Elizavetpol Governorate, Russian Empire 1937 Tehran, Iran Prince Persia's Qajar dynasty and Imperial Russian and Azerbaijani military commander, obtaining the rank of Major General.[18]
13 Abdulhamid bey Gaytabashi 1884 Tiflis, Tiflis uezd, Tiflis Governorate, Russian Empire 1920 Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic The last Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijani Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic before its occupation by the Red Army in April 1920. He was Major-general./[19] In June, 1920 he was executed by firing squad for his alleged role in Ganja revolt.[20]
14 Murad Giray bey Tlexas 21 October 1874 Yekaterinodar (Krasnodar), Yekaterinodarsky Otdel, Kuban Oblast, Russian Empire 29 May 1920 Baku, Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic Major General of the Army of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. He is originally a Circassian. He was executed by firing squad on May 29, 1918.[21]
15 Gennady Tarkhanov 8 September 1854 Russian Empire [Unknown] [Unknown] head of the Engineering Department


  1. ^ "Р. А. Векилов. История возникновения Азербайджанской Республики" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 December 2017. Retrieved 23 May 2018.
  2. ^ Азербайджанская Демократическая Республика (1918―1920). Законодательные акты. (Сборник документов). — Баку, 1998, с. 19—20
  3. ^ Азербайджанская Демократическая Республика (1918―1920). Законодательные акты. (Сборник документов). — Баку, 1998, с. 43—55
  4. ^ Оруджев, Р. (18 August 2010), Погранслужбе — 91 год [Border Service is 91 years old] (in Russian), archived from the original on 2012-11-15
  5. ^ Исмаилов 2009, p. 13
  6. ^ "Azərbaycan Demokratik Cümhuriyyətinin ilk qəhrəman hərbi naziri – Xosrov bəy Sultanovun doğum günüdür" [Birthday of the first Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic - Khosrov bey Sultanov]. Retrieved 2010-07-19.
  7. ^ "Azərbaycan generalları" Kataloq. - Bakı, "Elm", 2005, 190 səh.
  8. ^ "Adam bioqrafiya bankı. Həbib bəy Səlimov" [Adam. Biography bank. Habib Bey Salimov]. Retrieved 2011-09-15.
  9. ^ Азербайджанская Демократическая Республика (1918 - 1920) Армия. (Документы и материалы) [Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. (1918-1920) The Army (Documents and collections)]. Baku: Archives. 1998. p. 86.
  10. ^ Nəzirli 2006, p. 62
  11. ^ "Nəriman Nərimanovun həbsdən azad etdiyi generalı kimlər güllələdi? - General Firidun bəy Vəzirovun həyat hekayəti". www.enter.news.az. December 2017. Archived from the original on 1 July 2020. Retrieved 4 February 2021.
  12. ^ Исмаилов 2009, p. 92
  13. ^ Azərbaycan Xalq Cumhuriyyəti Ensiklopediyası. Lecture Notes ... Vol. II. Baku: Lider. 2005. p. 198.
  14. ^ Исмаилов 2009, p. 184
  15. ^ "AXC hökumətinin generalı". Azadlıq. 31 January 2013. Archived from the original on 19 February 2021. Retrieved 19 February 2021.
  16. ^ Nəzirli 2006, p. 32
  17. ^ Zalesski, Konstantin (2003). Кто был кто в Первой мировой войне [Who was who in the First World War] (in Russian). Moscow: Astrelʹ. p. 876. ISBN 5170196709. OCLC 53324586.
  18. ^ Nəzirli 2006, p. 47
  19. ^ Nəzirli, Shamistan (2006). Азербайджанская Güllələnmiş Azərbaycan Generalları [Executed Azerbaijani Generals]. Baku: Archives. pp. 90–93.
  20. ^ "GÜLLƏLƏNMİŞ AZƏRBAYCAN GENERALLARINDAN BIR QİSMİ" [A partial list of executed Azerbaijani generals]. Azadliq Radiosu. 2007-01-12. Retrieved 2011-09-21.
  21. ^ Nəzirli 2006, p. 54

Works cited

  • Nəzirli, Şəmistan (1995), Cümhuriyyət generalları [Generals of the Republic] (PDF) (in Azerbaijani), Baku: Hərbi nəşriyyat
  • Исмаилов, Э. Э. (2009), А. А. Молчанов (ed.), Персидские принцы из дома Каджаров в Российской империи [Persian princes from the House of Qajars in the Russian Empire] (in Russian), Moscow: Старая Басманная

See also
